Thursday, April 23, 2009

Black Friend Finder Online Safety Tips Part 1

Black Online Dating Safety Tips
Tips For Safe Online Dating for African Americans

There may be the butterfly in your stomachs, but their is thrill, and excitement that occurs when getting together with a person for the 1st face to face. Yet amongst the excitement, always be on your lookut when going out on a date with someone you really dont know.

Here are tips on Black dating safety to help you get started:

1. Black Ladies Looking To Date.. Arrange to meet him 1st.
Also, When You meet at 1st, Do not allow your black date to pick you up from your house or apt. In fact, dont give your address to your dates until you have met and feel comfortable with eachother!

2. When Starting always meet your black date in public places. For starters, always get together in a public place where other folks are in and around you. Also Consider going out with a group of people, friends, or a double date. Also, Avoid secluded areas.

3. Go halvsies by paying half of the bill. It's always nice for the black man to offer to pay the bill. Unfortunately, some men tarnish the offer by expecting something in return. So it might not be a bad idea for you to go half the bill. Pay half the bill so that you won't feel under any obligation to "return" a favor. Its also shows single black men , that you are responsible.

4. Use your own transportation. Provide your own vehicle to the public meeting place and remember to have more than enough gas or fuel.

5. Be Careful with alcohol. It does affect your judgment.It is the The biggest threat to your judgment, when on a date. It also lessons your inhibitions. If you are drinking, Sometimes it's better to try to avoid alcohol on the first date.

6. Black Ladies - Initially, don’t let him know where you live. If you want to see him again, arrange a second date and then take it from there.

7. Listen to your gut feeling. If something doesn't feel right, it usually isn't. Trust your Gut instinct.If you haven’t met before, and can feel at the beginning of the date that something just doesn’t feel right, then a polite exit works wonders.

8. Always tell someone else know where you're going. Be sure a friend or relative knows where you are going and who you'll be with. Maybe even arrange a time to call a check in. Or just arrange to meet up with your friends later that night.

9. Black Women - Give him your cell phone number initially. It's always safer to give out a cell number rather than your home number. Also, Always have a cell phone on you.. Dating safety is crucial in the online realm. In the initial stages of black dating and online dating in general, you're
getting to know someone you know next to nothing about. Create a safe environment to get to know the person the right way 1st in order to find exactly what you're looking for 2nd.

The Perfect Black Friend Your Looking For Is Out There. So Dig In. The sooner you start looking, the sooner you'll find someone. So, go ahead - get connected! :-)

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